This week has been insane. Not to brag, but it is worth mentioning that we got the best numbers I've ever gotten on my mission this week, the coolest of which being FOUR investigators at church and SEVEN new investigators!
However, we worked ourselves sick. Literally - my companion is sick and I don't think I'm there yet but I might be close. We got caught in a big storm one day and had a lesson right after in a building that had the A/C on full blast, and that plus the lack of sleep was what did it. We got up extra early a few times this week for different reasons - stake correlation meeting, delivering a suitcase at 7am, and picking metro passes up at 6am.... we're really tired.
Can I just tell you about Thursday? So we were supposed to meet some sister for an exchange at 4 but they were 2 hours late (because of traffic) and we had double booked appointments at 5. Because of a lot of confusion we ended up at the mission office to get extra metro passes at 4:30, and while we waited we met President and Sister Phillips!!! THEY ARE SO COOL!!!! We love them a TON already. So we waited and waited and waited and got more and more stressed until finally we were like, "We need to leave now." and the sisters we were supposed to meet were still far away - conveniently, the Ville-Marie sisters were there and had nothing going on for a few hours, so we asked our slightly flustered brand-new mission president for permission to do a short emergency exchange with them until we could meet the other sisters and he said yes! So we took off at the speed of light and didn't look back!
President and Sister Phillips
I was with Sister Guzman (we're not even in the same zone - it was so funny!) and at one point we were with a member from my ward at the apartment building of the investigator we were supposed to see, but we couldn't get in. The buzzer was broken. So we said a prayer that someone would let us in and within 10 seconds someone came over and opened the door. But when we knocked on the apartment door, no one answered. So the member we brought said, "It sounds like someone's home next door. Maybe we can teach them!" I don't know if she was serious but I thought it was a great idea so I knocked and a Haitian girl answered. She let us in and we taught her the Restoration in French. She accepted a return appointment and a baptismal date! Now Sister Guzman and Sister Fleming will get to teach her! It was perfect!
After that I met up with Sister Mejia and we taught the investigator I'd been supposed to see with Sister Guzman and then got ice cream and had a lovely exchange the next day. :) The rest of the week was not quite that crazy, but almost!
Me with Sister Mejia
I LOVE being a missionary. I firmly believe that this gospel is the only thing that can heal us, give us hope, and bring us home. I know that the Lord directs this work and I am so grateful that He has given me the opportunity to be a part of it.
Sister Shaver
The Patricks with the flag signed by all the missionaries.
Michelle and her companion thought up the idea, bought the flag and... voila!
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