Monday, 29 February 2016

Yet Again

Hi everyone! This is going to be a quick email because I have lots to do today!
My beloved companion, Sister Schuerch, is going home this week! Her mission is at an end! Since she extended though it's a little weird because this is not a normal transfer week. Which means it's an emergency transfer! So, as anticipated, she'll be leaving Kirkland. What WASN'T anticipated is that so will I. I will still be a sister training leader for the Mount Royal zone, but I'll be serving in the Montreal Ward with Sister Clement! It's a bus/metro area, so it'll be exciting! Also, Sister Clement has served in two of the same areas as me and has had two of the same companions, so we already have lots in common! Kirkland is closing for sisters just for the next two weeks until real transfers, when we get a fresh group of missionaries. In the meantime, the elders in our ward get to cover our people. It's a little bit insane, actually. I kind of feel like throwing up when I think about it too hard.... Well, not quite. Anyway, we normally get transfer calls on Saturdays, but since this is an abnormal circumstance, we just found out last night. Soooo we're still adjusting to the idea. And I haven't told anyone in our ward yet...or said any goodbyes.... but hopefully things will run pretty smoothly.

So anyway, that's the big news this week. Area #6, here I come! And I'll hit my year mark this Friday! The only other thing I felt like mentioning is that we went on exchanges a couple days ago, and I was with this 4-week-old greenie who REALLY impressed me. She was JUST baptized in November 2014!! And she's here on a mission!!! And not only that, she's here for all the right reasons and is super strong! Miracles do happen, folks. I'm inspired by her example.

I hope you all have a week that isn't as crazy as my week will be! Love you all!

Sister Shaver

My last day in Victoria with Sister Rivas, Sister Shelley, Sister Dexter, and Sister Carpenter.

A picture of my and Sister Schuerch, 

and a picture of us with Jye, a recent convert, at the temple last week!

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