Saturday, 11 April 2015

VOCAL POINT CAME TO THE MTC and btw I'm leaving in two days

Buenos días!

Yeah. It was SO COOL! Vocal Point is even better in person! They kept telling us all day last Sunday that we would have a devotional but that it wasn't a speaker. They just said it was a "special treat." It was really weird though because it felt like we were at a the MTC....what? Soooo it was kind of both the best thing and the worst thing at the same time. When they finished, a sister in my district turned to me and said, "I think I need to repent...." 

Here's my zone 

I hope everyone enjoyed conference last weekend! Conference at the MTC was wonderful. By the end, my hand was starting to hurt from writing so many things down! One thing that was really funny was that the opening song of the first session was "Glory to God on High" - which we sang in the MTC choir like 3 or 4 weeks ago (same arrangement!) so everyone was really excited about that. Also, at some point they sang "Consider the Lilies," which a friend of mine sang as a musical number last week (and totally killed it). 

Our Tuesday devotional was also super cool - a member of the 70 who's over the Asia area came and talked to us about how to teach those without a Christian background. Hermana Perdue and I got to shake hands with him. We also got to be ushers that night. 

Hermana Perdue and I match every other day. Without trying..... and Elder Malolo likes to photobomb

Our zone got to host new missionaries coming in this week, and it was really fun! I hosted a sister who had never been outside of South Africa until this week. Also, my companion and I made some new friends who just came in! They're a couple of elders who don't speak English - only French. One is from France going to Halifax and the other is from Quebec but I don't remember where he's going. There's also an elder in their district from mainland China. (!!!!)

That's all I have to say this week! Next time you hear from me, I'll be in the field! I am SO excited!!!

Hermana Shaver

ps - my new (hand-sewn) yellow skirt - it's a long story!!

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